Paper & Yarn: October 2010

Paper & Yarn

there is no x in "espresso"... the angels have the phonebox... my cheese, my rules...Libby says "Hi"...We thought you were dead - I was. I'm better now...

29 October 2010

New swap and a surprise...

First, thanks, so much, to my swappers. You should have all received your tags, by now. If not, please let me know.

I have my new swap formulated. It's going to be a Christmas tag/Destash Secret Santa swap. I'm working on the details and will post them on Monday, the 1st. So, please come back on Monday to get the details and to sign up.

Also, I will be doing something special for the month of November(maybe into December). Details for that will also be coming on Monday.

See you then!

19 October 2010

Swap video and shipping.

The video is finished and up. If I have already received your shipping payment, your package will go out tomorrow(Wed.). Otherwise, it will go out the next business day after I receive shipping payment.

Thanks again and look for a new swap coming soon.

17 October 2010

Updates to swap and shop


Thanks, so much, to my swappers. I'm waiting for the last package(which has already been mailed) to arrive (I am hoping tomorrow) and then I will do a video before I send them out. I will be sending out invoices for shipping today and tomorrow.

Everyone has been thanking me for hosting, but, seriously, I am thanking you for participating. This has been so much fun, I'm already planning another one. This time with a challenge. :) Look for more details coming this week.


$1 of all tag sales will go to charity. This month's charity - Susan G. Komen.

Tags will no longer feature fibers and/or trims. However, I always stick random goodies in with my orders which usually include some fibers or trims. Happy shopping.

07 October 2010


Updates went out on Tuesday. If you haven't responded, please do, so I know you received all the information. If you did not receive an e-mail, it is because I don't have your e-mail. PLEASE send me your e-mail.

Thanks so much!

05 October 2010

Tag Swap

Waiting to hear back from two members and then updates will go out today. Thanks for participating!