Paper & Yarn: September 2008

Paper & Yarn

there is no x in "espresso"... the angels have the phonebox... my cheese, my rules...Libby says "Hi"...We thought you were dead - I was. I'm better now...

24 September 2008

Etsy Spaces

Yes, it's Wednesday. And, yes, I don't have a new Etsy Space for the second week. I have several people who pledged pics for upcoming spaces and then I don't hear back. Most of them are really busy and I totally get that and don't blame them in the least for not having time this week or next, etc. I don't want to nag them, either, so, I'm still waiting.

In the meantime, I will post links to other blogs with studio spaces up that I happen upon. Check this out on the infamous Modish site - Handmade Spaces. Fabulous work spaces, I must say.

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Favorites #33

Favorites #33 - I love dichroic glass.

It's called Blue Lagoon, but, it reminds me of dragon skin.

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20 September 2008

Aloha Saturday

The Simpsons - lego style.

Batman and the Joker - sorta - but funny.

I happen to love Craig Ferguson, but, no matter which side you're on, this speaks volumes.

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19 September 2008

Aloha Friday - part 1

I have so many items for today, I decided to split it in two. I'll post the rest tomorrow.

First, I want to try this at home.

Ninja cats - gotta love 'em.

And finally for today.

Don't you want one for a pet??

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Favorites #32

Favorites #32 - Cats. Check out her shop banner.

I love these cats.

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16 September 2008


I will be making some major changes in my shop very soon. I will be getting rid of the jewelry part and focusing back on my roots - paper and yarn. I have some plushie type items and a new "house" series. My new blog is almost ready to debut and I will be having some giveaways and contests. I will continue to post my favorites and Aloha Friday. And, when available, I will still put up the Etsy Spaces.

In the meantime, something for Halloween. This is Bob, he lives along our front walkway. He was put there some years ago for Halloween. Afterward, the girls wanted him to stay and so he has. He sits there year 'round. He's been rained on and snowed on. The snow makes a lovely mohawk. He even used to have a bow, don't ask, but it blew away.

This picture was taken the other night when I wanted to test the settings on my camera. I think it's kind of eerie and even looks a little real, too.

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Favorites #31

Favorites #31 - More gorgeous paintings

A purple sea

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12 September 2008

Aloha Friday

This week's Aloha Friday is especially for Dr. Who fans.

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Favorites #30

Favorites #30 - Linen and cotton passport covers

Cute little rocking horses.

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10 September 2008

New Etsy Space

I have a new Etsy Space up -

And, look what she did on her blog - Little Daisy Chains. Thank you, Beck!

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Favorites #29

Favorites #29 - I see these rings on the home page all the time.

My favorite color. :)

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08 September 2008

Favorites #28

Favorites #28 - The cutest booties ever.

Irish dance shoes - did I tell 'ya?

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05 September 2008

Aloha Friday

It makes me happy that my daughter appreciates the humor of this video.

This is kind of gross at the beginning but keep watching.

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03 September 2008

New Etsy Space!

A new Etsy Space is up (finally). Check it out here - .

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Favorites #27

Favorites #27 - Yummy silk cocoons.

Custom dyed silk cocoons.

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01 September 2008

Does your Target have two floors?

A prime example of how to waste time on the Internet. I like the band Punch Brothers and subscribe to their blog. The other day, they posted a link to a bunch of short, 2-minute interviews of two of the members. In one of the snippets, Noam Pikelny mentioned that since they moved to NYC; he had found some really cool things. One thing he mentioned was going to the Atlantic Terminal Mall in Brooklyn. And, the thing he liked about this mall is that it has a Target inside. A Target with two floors. And inside this Target is an escalator - for your cart. How cool is that?

Well, I had to find a picture of that. So, after much searching, I found that it is technically called a vermaport. Apparently they have them in many Targets and Ikeas and the like with more than one floor. Then, after searching for vermaport, I found the piece de resistance - a video of one in action. And so, I give you - the vermaport.

But please, take your child out first. Um, duh?!?

Okay, I'm a geek, but, I think this is fascinating.

Two side notes. One, to be honest, what I'm really envious of is the Target with TWO floors. And two, I also use my incredible research skills for good, too, like helping with homework. lol

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Favorites #26

Favorites #26 - Something different, gorgeous suede journals.

Crazy pink!

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