Paper & Yarn: December 2006

Paper & Yarn

there is no x in "espresso"... the angels have the phonebox... my cheese, my rules...Libby says "Hi"...We thought you were dead - I was. I'm better now...

13 December 2006

PIF updates

We are on day 13. Here is an update of the past days.

PIF Day 8

PIF Day 9

PIF Day 10

PIF Day 11

PIF Day 12

08 December 2006

PIF Day 8

Pif Day 8 is up...

Pif day 7

07 December 2006

No. 7

Pukashell Creative Designs

This is adorable.

PIF Day 7

is up...

Pif Day 6

PIF Day 4

06 December 2006

PIF Day 6

Day 6 PIF is up.

Day 5 PIF

Day 4 PIF is still available.

05 December 2006

No. 6

Beadventurous Jewelry

Her work is so fabulous. :) I wish I could afford it.

Day 5 PIF

No taker on Day 4. Day 5 is up...

04 December 2006

PIF Day 4

PIF Day 4 is up.

Here is Day 3.

Link of the day: Christmas Recipes

03 December 2006

No. 5

Esta Sketch

These little books are amazing.

Day 3 PIF

Day 3's PIF is up now.

Here is the PIF from Day 2.

Link for the day: This is one of my favorite calendars

**Edited to add Day 3 PIF is gone.

02 December 2006

PIF - Day 2

Here is the PIF from Day 1.

Day 2's PIF is up. Go to my store to search for it. :)

Link for the day: History of the advent calendar and Ann's Advent Calendar

**Edit to note: Day 2 PIF is taken.

01 December 2006

A PIF Advent Calendar

Dec. 1.

I want to go in a new direction with my shop. I have 25 pairs of earrings I really want to clear out to make room for some new things. So...

Check out my shop for a special advent calendar. I will PIF one pair each day through Christmas or until they are all sold or PIF'd. Be sure to check every day to find it. :) Just remember to pay it forward.

IMPORTANT!!!! I only ship to the United States. No international shipping. thank you.

Another excellent online advent calendar:

**Edited to add: Day 1 PIF is taken. Tune in tomorrow for Day 2 and a pic of Day 1's item.

No. 4

Dichroic Fused Glass Jewelry by Lis

Gorgeous glass.