Paper & Yarn: August 2010

Paper & Yarn

there is no x in "espresso"... the angels have the phonebox... my cheese, my rules...Libby says "Hi"...We thought you were dead - I was. I'm better now...

30 August 2010

RAK from Rina

I received this cool RAK from Rina (scrapstress on youtube). This is my first attempt at a "live" video instead of a slide show. Hope you enjoy it.

Thunder and Lightning

Uploaded this mostly for my sister, who misses the rain in Vegas. :)

18 August 2010


Middle daughter's belated birthday present.

Yep, my (20-year-old) baby has a tattoo. If you're a Harry Potter fan, you might appreciate it. :)

13 August 2010


Some new news...

The new tag set for the 15th will feature an embellishment.

I added some pictures of a sample grab bag on the tag 01 post.

I have a new video. I sent Rina from Scrapstress(youtube) fame a RAK and I included this little canvas I made for her. I didn't want to put the video up until she received her package. So, here it is.

She has a much better view of it on her video( I want to thank her, so much, for making that video and mentioning my blog and such. Thanks, Rina! And, I'm so glad she liked everything. I just love her videos. She gets so into everything she talks about. Go check her out if she's new to you. :)

BTW, I will be making more of these little canvases and putting them up in my shop, soon. They are so much fun to make. I am also still trying to work up the courage to do a "live" video. Yikes. I will also be sending out more RAK's - also lots of fun.