Paper & Yarn: July 2010

Paper & Yarn

there is no x in "espresso"... the angels have the phonebox... my cheese, my rules...Libby says "Hi"...We thought you were dead - I was. I'm better now...

31 July 2010

Flower swap

I would like to join other swaps, but, I keep missing them. They are closed by the time I get there. So, I'm considering hosting my own swap of handmade flowers.

What does everyone think?


I'd like to thank Marie and everyone for the lovely tags I received. I will be putting up a picture of everyone's tags. In the meantime, here is a list of available youtube channels/blogs of people in my group.

Angela: youtube: angelachiazzese
Kelly: youtube: inkandstampit; blog:
Joyce: youtube: 1fotojoy
Jolaine: youtube: jolainef; blog:
Jennifer: youtube: jebred19
and Marie who has disappeared from the internet. It seems her blog and videos have all been removed. If anyone knows what happened to her...

Anywho, thanks for all the hard work. I had lots of fun making my tags and receiving all of yours.

Edited to add...