Paper & Yarn: New things renovation - sneak peek

Paper & Yarn

there is no x in "espresso"... the angels have the phonebox... my cheese, my rules...Libby says "Hi"...We thought you were dead - I was. I'm better now...

22 June 2009

New things renovation - sneak peek

I am finally getting started on the major project I have been planning for awhile, now. I will be adding a new line of products to my shop this week. As I have mentioned before, I am concentrating more on the paper side of paper and yarn. However, the paper project is based on a yarn project.

A couple of years, ago, I made a line of cards that included a small flowerlette crocheted out of cashmere, reclaimed from sweaters. I have a large number of leftover flowers. I also have a large amount of reclaimed cashmere, so, I decided to start a new project. I'm calling it - 1024 - pronounced 10...2...4 - as in 104. That's 10,000 for those who do not wish to do the math. As in 10,000 flowers.

I am using these flowerlettes in all my new projects. Each new item in my shop will have a flowerlette incorporated into it. Even new knit items. I will be adding cards, embellishment kits, and a new knit item series.

Here is a picture of some flowerlettes and a sneak peek of a card not quite finished.

But, there is more to the 1024 project than just the flowerlettes. Come back tomorrow for another update...

p.s. all current items will be going into a sale category and will not be coming back.

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