Paper & Yarn: Freebie #2 and more

Paper & Yarn

there is no x in "espresso"... the angels have the phonebox... my cheese, my rules...Libby says "Hi"...We thought you were dead - I was. I'm better now...

02 November 2010

Freebie #2 and more

Thanks to those who have signed up for the swap and/or freebie.

You still have time to enter yesterday's freebie.

Some additional notes about the freebies. I will be mailing them out once a week, probably on Mondays of the next week. If you are the winner, I will contact you by e-mail for your address. You can enter as many days as you like, but, you can only win once.

IMPORTANT: I really apologize for forgetting to mention this yesterday, but, the freebies are only open to the US. The swap is open to US and Canada, but, since I'm footing the postage, the freebies are only for the US. If you already entered the first one and you are not from the US and you win, I will still send it to you, anyway, because that was my error, but, please, from now on, only US residents for freebies.

Freebie #2:

This is a small strip - 6" - of vintage measuring tape. It is very old and faded. Would look good on a mini. Again, this freebie will include some additional "flat" things.

Leave a comment and answer the question. Please include your e-mail. This freebie will close on Nov. 3 at midnight MT.

Mini books - should they close flat or is bumpy okay?



At 2:40 PM , Blogger Lovely Wednesday said...

I think bumpy is okay for minibooks, but it all depends on who's setting up the swap (if it is a swap). If the swap host says they must be flat, then obviously it's best to comply. I, however, being a maximalist, think the bumpier the better!


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